Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Wishcasting Wednesday: Luxury

Life's little luxuries have eluded me lately. Our budget is tight, and there is always too much month at the end of our money. So my mind dances around, daring to dream, hastily hoping. A luxurious longing... hmm?

Sleep is a luxury these days... lingering over dinner with daddy, uninterrupted showers, crocheting, crafting, Starbucks, chatting with friends- the simple details I used to take for granted.

But I want to wish wonderfully- so I stretch myself and really let the luxuriousness envelope me. I imagine feeling indulged, like a child getting their dearest desire...

I wish for a vacation.

Not a "staycation"- something stimulating, somewhere wonderful, with all my little someones, and some serious soul searching.

My wishing well is full, and I wish you well!

Web definitions for luxury

something that is an indulgence rather than a necessity

{Today's post prompt provided by Jamie Ridler Studios}


  1. As BarefootOCMama wishes for herself, so do I wish for her as well. Where is this luxury vacation? Where can we picture you relaxing, being pampered and luxuriating now?

  2. BarefootOCMama wishes for herself, so do I wish for her as well.

    Oh yes, luxurious vacation! That's the ticket. And lots of time thrown in for good measure, both during and after this trip.

  3. As BarefootOCMama wishes for herself, so I blissfully wish for her also.

  4. Well now that I've read your luxury wish for a vacation, I want to change my wish!! I wished hastily and off the top of my head this time around. Mmmmmm...vacation, ah well, As BarefootOCMama wishes for herself, so do I wish for her also!!

  5. Please send me a post card when you get there! Your wish is so sweet, pure, real, you simply must have it!

    As Barefoot wishes for herself, so I lovingly and with intention wish for her also!

    Bon Voyage!

  6. As BarefootOCMama wishes for herself, I so wish for her as well...

  7. As you wish for yourself so I lovingly wish for you also!

  8. As BarefootOCMama wishes for herself, so do I wish for her as well. Wishing you the time and the means to find your way to a fantastic vacation.

  9. As BarefootOCMama wishes for herself, so I wish for her also! :)

    May you have a spectacular vacation! :)

  10. As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you also. Lucy

  11. As BarefootOCMama wishes for herself, so I blissfully wish for her also.

    Oooooo yes a delicious vacation!! I agree! We have had years of staycations - I want a REAL on too!! Great wish!!! Sarah

  12. To indulge in an exciting vacation... T, that sounds just about right. As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you also.



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