I spent at least an hour arguing with myself as to whether it would really feel refreshing and helpful with a nursing M-cube along (even tried that ol' thinking of others tactic- the mamas are retreating, "they don't want a baby around"). But she is a sweetie and I NEEDED it... so luckily I won the argument and I started getting ready.
It was one of those morning and I was running very late. It was further away than I realized. I didn't get to go on the nature walk. I was stressing a bit.
As I was unloading my precious cargo - rushing in the parking lot to hurry and interrupt as little as possible, I heard a soft welcoming voice. The mamas were just arriving from their nature walk... I wasn't late!!
And every second of the next 3 hours was precisely what I needed to find the inner mama guru who knows that this is the most wondrous and amazing time of my life.
The guided meditation that Sylvia led us through (while holding my sweet babe who was making her sleepy noises) opened my heart wide. I would walk you through it, but the tears would flow and I wouldn't be able to see my keyboard... but you should go experience it for yourself anyway.
After that we did a wonderful exercise called Listening. This has impacted my life in so many ways- with my husband, business, friendships, and even in helping me listen to my own inner voice. It was so simple, but somehow struck me like lightening.
Next up Sylvia worked with a specific challenge of one of the mamas- well, ok it was me!! As I laid bare the raw emotions of my most desperate self, I felt a weight lifting from my shoulders. Sylvia helped me realize my own power and perspective and peacefulness... the wisdom of the circle of mamas wrapped around and warmed me like the softest, lovely cardigan you can imagine.
A few weeks later I was window shopping on 2nd street with a dear friend and I came across this. It suddenly all came together. That is what I got back at the mini-retreat, the "hope" part of being a mama, and now I can breathe easier.
This Saturday is another one. I will be there. Do you need a little mama-freshing? You owe it to your inner baby, that perfect being of love and light. I am a better mama this month and I am getting better and better...
The word I left with, written on a tealight, imprinted on my heart was Allow. I have allowed it to make such a difference in my life.
I am so happy to hear you will be back this month. Your babe is gorgeous, inside and out and she brought an energy to the group that brought us all together I think. Your strength and hope are inspiring, thank you for sharing!