Saturday, March 12, 2011

I think I still want to be a vegan

Food has become a big deal with me lately. I like food. Growing food, harvesting food, shopping for food, prepping food, crafting recipes from foods and pairing food with palate cleansing beverages aimed at making a meal match some sort of mood. Setting the stage for a drama of words inter-tangling with emotions, peppered with frankness and laughter.

Recently I've missed eating with my family. But now that I *can* again- I do NOT want to return to a SAD menu. I love acronyms- and none are more fitting that the Standard American Diet. While I was a vegan- I learned to love the taste of natural, herb infused, spice sprinkled, gourmet garden ingredients.

My kids ate a lot of what I was making myself- and I made a big deal of the things I liked especially- abundant salads, bold soups, classy wraps, decadent nut blends. But we ate cafeteria style- the baby's introduction to solid foods occurring over these same past six months. I have been eating a largely vegan diet for health reasons. I lost nearly 50 pounds. I started doing yoga.

The health risk has been removed- literally. And I may "resume a normal diet"- the question of course is do I want to? And shouldn't I continue to teach my kids about eating a menu filled with variety, tied to traditions and celebrating the life that connect us?

Which means the occasional cupcake. It was delicious.

My newest resource-

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